mercredi 20 octobre 2010
Daft Punk For Disney's "Tron Legacy"
Here we are , it was meant to happen soon or later , our favorite international french band "Daft Punk" is finaly takin a step
in the movie business as they produced the soundtrack for Disney's next master production "Tron Legacy" , who will be released
next christmas ! Disney is expecting a massive blast out of such a huge marketing campaign . it seems the futurist world of "Tron" was written and designed just for the french duo...
mardi 19 octobre 2010
Pierre Henry's a domicile !
Le compositeur invite le public chez lui, à Paris, pour 24 concerts.
Accoudé à la grande table de sa cuisine, Pierre Henry peaufine les derniers réglages sonores. C'est l'après-midi. La rue de Toul est silencieuse et la bâtisse, remplie de musique. Depuis 1971, le compositeur, âgé de 82 ans, visage rond et épaisse barbe blanche, habite, dans le XIIe arrondissement de Paris, une étrange maison de poupée. «C'est ici que j'ai construit mon univers», dit à voix basse celui qui, avec Pierre Schaeffer, au tournant des années 1950, fut le père-fondateur de la musique concrète.
Elles résonnent, les cloches de Psy ché Rock, morceau tiré de la Messe pour le temps présent commandée par Maurice Béjart en 1967. Parmi les 120 grands opus que Pierre Henry a composés, quinze ont servi de musique pour les ballets du chorégraphe. Ses compositions sont des patchworks raisonnés et poétiques. Sans instrument, ni partition ou interprète, la musique concrète est fondée sur l'organisation, le classement, la transformation volontaire et l'«accouplement des sons» préexistants.
Allez c cadeau !
The Chemical Brothers & Michel Gondry
The Chemical Brothers just released a seventh studio album "further" in which it seems they've decided to produce a clip for each track.The production is once moore draw drooping , the mastery of analogique keyboards could hardly be questioned.
The "Another world" video was produced by Adam Smith & Marcus Lyall !
But i must admit i'm still very nostalgic of Michel Gondry's colaboration for Air France's Ad "Asleep from day".
The "Another world" video was produced by Adam Smith & Marcus Lyall !
But i must admit i'm still very nostalgic of Michel Gondry's colaboration for Air France's Ad "Asleep from day".
dimanche 17 octobre 2010
Eric Serra for Luc Besson's "Leon"
Still gives me goosebumps...Eric Serra is by far one of my favorite produceurs...By the way don't pay attention to the stupid edit ;)
Trent Reznor For David Fisher's "Social network"
When one of the best music produceur mets one of the best directors , well i say to myself that maybe i will to take a glance at it...;)
When you know Trent Reznor's work background , albums and productions (Maryline Monsone...) you're aware the guy a heavy weat sound Maker !
And of course on the other hand David Fisher wich i will not introduce to you guys . But for thoses who might have a little noledge gap , David fisher is the guy who Directed "Alien 3"
, Eleven....
samedi 16 octobre 2010
The Origine of sampling
This is the Emu II , by far one of the coolest keyboard ever . In fact it's the continuity of the Emu I , the first analog sampler from early eighties. It's an 8-bit sampling rate wich gives that old warm past .They are worth nothing these days but they are hard to find and very fragile. But if you manage to get one of theese , this is how it would sound like :
vendredi 15 octobre 2010
Ennio Moriccone
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